Saturday, January 22, 2011

Whyalla and Awesome X

Scenic Whyalla
(Warning i was drunk when i wrote this)
Well well well, good on you for checking back on my tales of interest. This months episode may leave you jaw on the floor and your hair standing on end! Or it may leave you slightly amused with a quivering smile upon your face, or it may leave you upset that you spent your precious time reading a garbage introduction to a tale you know nothing about. Either way it doesn't bother me, because you're still reading now and that means you're interested. So with not much more further ado and a little bit less nonsense i bring you the chronicles of Awesome X.

It was a dark and overcast afternoon, the sky was ablaze with a ferocious thunderstorm of torrential rain and omni-directional wind. We needed a plan to entertain ourselves and escape the cruel grasp of mother natures infinite rage. So we decided to go to the supermarket and get something for tea, harmless enough? Or was it? Midway through the glorious act of shopping cart filling i spyed, in my peripherals an old friend from high school. I called out his name half sheepishly because i wasn't sure if it was him.
"Josh" *look down quickly*
he realised immediately it was me, then he recognised Nelson, and then was soon introduced to Heather. This formal introduction no doubt triggered the retaliatory introduction of Josh's lovely girlfriend Lucy. We blocked the isle for some time, swapping who's, whats, where's and hows until Josh formulated a brilliant scheme. We would all join them at their house for tea, and regale each other with tales from near and far. And so it is written so it was done, we joined Josh and Lucy for dinner and it was quite the feast. Delish. Nelson and i had been discussing our brilliant success in not getting employment, and josh decided he would introduce us to his friend that he works with at the mines.

Mrs Awesome X was very welcoming and so was her husband Awesome X. It didn't take long before nelso was fixing a computer and i was shifting bails of hay from one shed to another. Since that first day of work the days rolled by, Nels and i would start work at 10am and work through till about 5 or 6 and we'd get paid in cash AWESOME. So this kept us fed and watered for the next few weeks, along with Awesome X's amazing culinary skills. The work was varied, we built cyclone fences, concreted, built a make-shift spray booth, stripped a ute back, painted the panels and I'm pretty sure nelso will be back there tomorrow, i won't be because I'm currently on a bus heading back to Wagga, but we are getting ahead of ourselves.

X's patience with teaching us how to do all of this labour was not the best part of the experience, the amazing farout anecdotes the man has are enough to make Rambo seem like a duckling. I wish i could go into detail here but i don't want to to protect those involved in the stories, but here are some buzz words to get your imagination going in the right direction: special forces, mercenary, land speed record, jet engines, custom harleys, rebels mc, cage fighting, stunt driving, drag racing, experimental mig jets and fighting. Needles to say X does not let anyone get in his way when he has an idea, very inspiring individual. And i hope to meet him again one day.

Ahhh what the hell I'll tell you one story that he told us quite convincingly, you can make up your own mind as to weather it's fact or fiction.
Awesome X was imprisoned for one reason or another, and kept away from the other prisoners because they had a tendency to get hurt around him. One day the guards decided it was time to do a strip search on Awesome X, he didn't feel like entertaining their wandering hands and he let them know. They ignored his rejection and continued to start the search, as soon as the first guard layed a hand on X it was on, (in his words) he "slapped" the first guard and then continued on to "slap" 8 more guards as they tried to subdue him. Once this set of guards was subdued he walked one of the guards (who unlocked all the doors) right out to the front gates of the prison, Asked them to open the gates and they did (no doubt there was some "slapping" going on here to.) Once X was outside the prison he took the nearest car and drove home to his lady's house. Where he was greeted with
to which X replied
"I wanted to have a good time"
and then as i was told he proceeded to have said good time.
In the morning after a long night of good times, X decided he best go to the nearest police station and let them know that he should be in Prison, no doubt they were quite surprised...
After he was returned to Prison there was a court trial to deal with the whole debacle. When he was asked how to plead against the assault of 9 guards he said calmly,
"Well 9 against 1, that's gotta be self defence right?"
and on the charge of escaping prison?
"I didn't escape these guys let me out"
Apparently the prosecution didn't have much of a leg to stand on and X ended up with a reduced sentence...
And they all lived happily ever after.

This was jsut one of the stories i've heard and it's quite the story.

We celebrated Christmas as a wolfpack family, singing Christmas carols and such. Opening presents under the little tree the girls had set up in our cabin, it was alot of fun opening all the little surprises. That night we joined Awesome X and his family for Christmas dinner and drinks and much fun was had by all. Then it was life back to normal for a couple of days, then Bryce and Sarah came to visit. Which was very very cool!
Bryce Sarah and I spent New Years in Port Lincoln which was lovely the weather was about 10 degrees cooler down there and the Pub we went to was right on the beach. Amber and Steve where there and Steve was playing on the stage which was awesome as usual. We got our drink on as there was $5 cocktails PINA COLADAS!! they were fun. The next day we hung out with Amber and Steve for a while and Pluto their little puppy dog. Then we headed back to Whyalla.

I think it was the following day we decided to go for a fish down on the Jetty, to which we were rewarded with Dolphins, right up on the edge of the Jetty, Very cool.

Dolphin and a wee baby dolphin
Wasn't long after that we bid Sarah and Bryce a fond adue as they headed back to Wagga Wagga. And it was back to business as normal, Nels and i were working back at X's house. for the remainder of the week, until the weekend where X decided we should go out to his Fishing Shack at Point Lowly. It's a beautiful spot so picturesque. We spent the weekend fishing and drinking and philosophising about the true nature of our existence. All in all a great way to spent my last bit of time in Whyalla. The following Monday it was time for me to pack my bag and head back to wagga, which i was still in the process of doing when i started this blog. And the rest is history.

Standing on the beach looking at the Shack