Thursday, April 14, 2011

Job Hunting

Hello followers of the plight.
And never before has the prefix plight been so appropriate as it is right now in my current financial/occupational situation. We've been in Adelaide for a couple of months now and I've had no success in looking for work, it seems I'm a little over qualified for most of the sign writers around here and haven't had the experience to look appealing to a straight design studio. Needless to say my face is in an almost constant fluster. I was beginning to feel like this was the end of my adventure on this majestic trek around the continent. I voiced my concerns to the wolf pack and informed them that d-day was upon s and the ever looming option of hanging up my travelling boots was dangling perilously close. With no job and no decent income stream it seemed impossible for me to conjure up enough money to provide sustenance and fuel for the hungry bumblebee to make the trek up to Darwin in June. Sad days indeed my friends.
But amazing group of friends that I'm travelling with formulated a plan;

We can stay in Adelaide until September thus relieving the fast approaching deadline and enabling me more time to seek some form of gainful employ. This plan also works out well for the rest of the guys as it gives them more time to save money and see more of what the Dark-horse, quiet achiever City of Adelaide has to offer.
Breaking News
Heather just arrived home with a resignation letter to her former employer in wagga wagga. This is a Friday of celebrations and to celebrate we are going to go to happy cafe and indulge ourselves in a coffee.

Anyways to do digress from the story at hand, wrapped up basically we have more time in Adelaide to peruse the proverbial wares that the department store of Adelaide has to offer.
I shall continue in my quest to find gainful employ and will keep your faces updated with any news in this regard.

And now a little treat...
Retro Post: the wasp incident.
The terrain was flat and desolate, the air thick with heat and dust, the road straight and narrow and the horizon was forever unobtainable. We were travelling between to Broken hill in Central Australia, and i was feeling under the weather as i had contracted so sort of viral infection (a cold) and so i was quite drowsy. I was riding shotgun in Bumblebee and Nelsoninan was at the helm. We had only the smokers windows in the front open due to the large number of airborne arthropods. I was asleep when a wasp collided with one of the smokers windows and made it's concussive decent onto my lap. Apparently at this point Nelso notices the invertebrate and made the judgement call not to wake me up because "it probably won't bite him." It was at this poin the wasp changed its resting point onto Nelson's lap. At which point he felt the situation was now worth waking me up for.
"Craig....... there's a wasp" he shrieked like and upset guinea pig.
So in my half asleep stupor i decided the best course of action to rid us of this infestation was o start punching at the wasp.
Numerous punches later and some swerving on Nelsons part had proven futile. The wasps exoskeleton was just to strong for my feeble 1 foot fist attack. Eventually the wasp decided it had enough of being slapped about and casually made it's way into the back of the vehicle.
I said something like "It's gone now."
I believe Nelson replied with.
"F*ck off i have to sleep back there".
So we pulled over and found the wasp, who was now just minding his own business and we banished it from the car.
With the wasp situation dispelled we could now happily continue our drive.
The Girls informed us that from behind the chaos they though that Nelson had fallen asleep and i was furiously punching him in an attemp to wake him up. HA i wish thatwould have been way more fun.

Well thankyou for tking the tie to read my cognitive speel and i hope to see you all again soon.
Much love