Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wicked Still in Adelaide

HAHAHAHAH Hello, how the hell are you?..... hmmm? can't hear you sorry, i trust you are well anyway and if you're not, well my condolences. I've been doing a bit of design work to pass the time of day and to earn some cash. It was going pretty good there for a week or two. Unfortunately it's a bit quiet this week but at least i have completed my website and ordered some business cards.

Pretty snazzy i think, i would hope you do too. Hmm what other news do i have to report to entire Internet. Our housemate has left us now, she was working on the musical "Wicked" we went and saw it a few weeks ago and i was quite impressed at the size of the production and the quality of it all. The set was awesome complete with a massive dragon puppet that sat above the stage and audience and flapped about whenever
there was a change in the timeline. Turns out he was the time dragon and it also turns out he was awesome. But that wasn't the only cool part of the show, the wicked witch decides to fly and that scene was cool because she actually flew above the stage. I was Shocked and amazed... well not really shocked because Jess our old housemate had told us about it, but i was definitely amazed. Similarly i was also impressed
when Bert Newton strolled on stage and reveled himself as the wizard, that was cool.

Defying Gravity no doubt

Other than soaking myself in the culture of Adelaide by attending musical theatre Heather and i went exploring with Jess just before she left, we explored some tranquil Japanese themed gardens, went on chocolate factory tour and caught a tram. All awesome things to do. Last Friday Nikki and Dan from Happy Coffee invited us out for tea, Heff dawg had to work but the rest of us happily tagged along. We went to a little place in China
Town called 'city wok' or something like that and had and amazing selection of chicken and dumplings for around $12 it was super cool, after that i tried on a traditional Asian rice field hat, surprisingly it looked stupid. Hat discarded we continued into the Central markets (conveniently located adjacent to China town. Nikki bustled us off to a little slice of heaven know locally as 'Bun Chef' were right before or eyes the clever culinary magicians were whipping up some amazing little run type things with all sorts of amazing fillings. The pastry was like a profriter roll in the shape of a cylinder about 2.5cm high the void on the inside was filled with chocolate in my case, my science it was delicious. After that we continued our tour and surprise surprise it resulted in us being at a pub, not just any pub it was the metro, which is much like any pub. After we lubricated our brains sufficiently it was decided that it was time to go to Mars Bar so that Mik could try and
pick up a date. The Mars Bar is a gay bar and inside we had quite the funny night. Nothing untoward happened except
Nelson yelling "i'm post op!"
which was hilarious. Other than that we were pretty much left alone thankfully hahah. Mik had a bit of luck with the ladies but opted to come home with us at about 1:30am.

So that's about the Raggatt rundown for another blogisode. Sorry i haven't written in a while but not all that much has been happening.
Love you xoxox
Sweet dreams.