Thursday, March 17, 2011

Radelaide and Barry Morgan

We've been in Adelaide for about 4 weeks now. Despite my state of impoverished disposition i am pushing forward and enjoying myself regardless. Mik, Heff and Nels have all found gainful employment. I've been doing a bit of freelance design to boost my dole check, yup I'm now officially on the New start allowance, somewhere i never imagined I'd be but hey, I've worked full time for a while i guess its time i soaked up some of that tax I've paid over the years. mwahhhahahaa.
So over the past couple of weeks I've been looking for work, bludging and designing. Pretty good combo mostly but can get boring and lonely. Anyways here is an image of the logo i whipped up for the cafe i'm designing for, so far i've designed the shopfront signage some business cards and i'm about to get started on a website for them.

awww widdle froggy :)
One highlight over the past few weeks was going to see Barry Morgan and his world of Organs, at the garden of unearthly delights which was part of the fringe festival going on here in Radelaide. I'll talk about the garden shortly but first I'll detail Barry morgans show. And even Before i do that, here is a picture of the subject of the topic in which i will soon discuss.

Oh Barry
The show is in a tent called the cupola, we briefly glance over the merch as we head inside. The stage is populated by two plasma screens, a vintage hammond organ and a vintage hammond organ rotating speaker system, atop the speaker system is a glass of some mysterious red spirit i haven't heard of before. We were awesomely seated in the front row, we waited anxiously for the show to start. Eventally Barry busted out of the red velvet curtain and into our lives. Looking around the room similing at people soaking up the applause. If he catches your eye he'll smile at your face for just long enough to make you awkward. Which is hilarious and weird at the same time. The whole show revolves around Barry Morgan from Barry Morgans world of Organs trying to sell his antique hammond organ. The whole show is a demonstration of the effects and tunes playable on the organ. Barry Is hilarious, the show was filled with innuendos about him playing, polishing and going down on his organ. He demonstrated his one finger method with some delegates from the audience and stayed hilariously in character the whole time. The plasma screens on the stage were linked to a series of cameras he had on his organ so that he could switch them and give you a demo of what his feet were doing, what his hands were doing and what his face was doing. The show was hilarious i had tears leaking from my ocular region on numerous occasions. The show ended when barry couldn't sell his organ. That was a very fun night after the show we wandered the garden for a while.

The Garden of Unearthly delights is part of the Adelaide Fringe festival and is an awesome carnival atmosphere, complete with a small selection of rides various tents that are used as venues and various drinking establishments, it's like a carnival for adults. There were burlesque shows, freak shows, dancing, musical acts, acrobats, comedians and heaps more. I took a couple of photos to try and capture the feel.

The Entrance to the GOUD

Ferris wheel

Various market stalls

All the trees are dcorated in some way

looking back towards the dogem cars and kamakazie
So yeah we spent a few nights at the GOUD it was great, ad a great spot for people watching.

During the last week of the Fringe festival there is also Womadelaide on, a world music festival. We rented out the spare room in our hous to a couple of loverly ladies from adelaide. It was great spending the week with them and i even managed to get Chrissie to trim my beard.
Robyn, Chrissie and illuminated flower
So it was nice having some fresh people to talk to. Thats about all i have to say really, i haven't been doing too much becasue im a little financially fragile. I'm sure i'm missing a couple of things but they'll just have to live on in my distant memories i guess.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Wagga to Adelaide

Hello there, so nice of you to join me. When you last heard i was in Wagga Wagga catching up with friends and family. My sisters engagement party was awesome. Joe (my future brother in law) decided he'd play a game early in the night, he got my mum and his mum up to the microphone area. The game was, he was going to whisper in each of their ears and see who could keep the straightest face, i think mum won because Joes mum, Penny just screamed. Turns out the news he told them was that my sister was pregnant! Totally didn't expect that and now i'm so happy for them, that kid will be the most loved child in the world.

So after that bombshell the rest of my trip to wagga wasn't quite so exciting, but i did see my mates and worked a bit at Crazy Jims mitre 10 which was great.

When it was time to rejoin the travels i hitched a ride with me 'ol mates Dusty and Jenny to Melbourne and stayed with them in a nice hotel suite. (still owe you for that guys thanks heaps) we met up with Grantos and Sally and Corey and Joleasa (can someone correct my spelling sorry :s) we all went out for chinese in china town, which was awesome and great fun due to the ingenious game Dusty and i had come up with, as the hotel we were staying at overlooked the freeway everytime a trade vehicle, harley, bus, or any other strange vehicle went past we drank heavily upon the beer. This. Lead to extremly fast brain blur intoxication and a measurable volume increase in the shit talk coming from our faces. Anyway i have suprisingly detracted from the chinese meal which was amazing ( thankyou sally and grant i will repay you ). I had west lake duck which was delicious, but Jenny wouldn't talk to me for a while as she once had pet ducks, but little did she know they had the potential to be so delicious. After faces were sufficiently filled with food we decided to waddle our gluttony fuel butt back to the hotel which is convieniently located right behind crown ca$ino. Bowling at the crown was the next port of call and bowl we did. Apparently, unbeknownst to myself my bowling technique leaves a bit to be desired, but i do enjoy throwing heavy things around (which is coincidentally how i've made it this far through life) even my painful sounds of disgust after each gutter ball couldn't help my ever stagnated score. Twinkle toes Sally was in tremendous form and came runner up to the Grant's face, which complained about having a sore butt aparently from the vigorous bowling the night before, just to make sure we knew that he was playing with a handicap but still managed to beat us. Many thanks again for shouting me guys you are gems.

The next morning i was collected by Sir William Poynton, and we enjoyed a day of wining and dining in various locations around the city. All the food i consumed in Melbourne was amazing. Highlight of the day was the espresso martini from the "white rabbit" basically an espresso shot in kaluha and vodka? Anyway it was delicious and energizingly intoxicating. Thanks guys. It was great to catch up with Will, Ange, Melodie and her man Christian After at the irish pub that night we ate 47 different types of potatoe all differently satisfying in thier own carbtastic way. After another bloated whinge filled waddle back to the apartment we talked some shit and retired for the evening. The next morning i woke up at 5:30 to catch my flight, the brave Sir Poynton was also awake to chauffer me to the airport. After a 12km walk through the stupid Melbourne airport i found my plane and boarded.

I was greeted at the airport by my long lost counterparts and a beam of light shone down from above as the wolfpack was together again. No doubt other people in the airport were rightfully scared/awestruck by the event taking place before them. Or they completley ignored us and my need for importance has lead me to embelish somewhat. Regardless we were all back together again, the guys took me back to the caravan park where we would be staying for the evening, later that day we were also joined by Sonia and Misty whom were coming to the Big Day Out with us awwww yeah. That night Heather came out with the corker of a question

"how can you go overseas, and not know what means everything?"

I wasn't sure how to answer and still have not thought of an answer, sorry heff.

A night of sleep opened up into a day, a big day, a BIG DAY OUT!!!

Trepedation filled the air as we organised our way to the showgrounds where the big day of out was to be held. Mikyla had thoughtfully in her brilliantly organised fashion arrange for a duo of taxi's to ferry us to the festival. The crowd was thick at the entrance but to my suprise the entry process was quite painless and efficient, before we knew it we were in the venue buying drink tickets and discussing the days frivolity. The bands i can remember/enjoyed seeing were:

• Dead letter circus

• Children collide

• Airbourne

• Birds of Tokyo

• Bliss and Esso

• Wumina

• Die Antwood

• Rammstien

• Tool

Higlight of the day was Tool, great light show and i love hearing them play their songs in a different way. Closley followed by Rammstien who's show was ridiculously over the top, we're talking pyrotechnics in every song, head mounted flamethrows, fireballs explosions smoke and ridiculous light show, there was also a hint of metal chugging away but the visuals of the show are awesomely distracting. The nex artist i really enjoyed was Wumina, she was awesome in lilly world, (a far out hippy themed area, thrown forward through time with a hint of nightmarish phsycadellia.) it was great giant cushions to relax on plenty of people dancing and having a blast.

The other part of the day that was quite the thrill was Mik and I went on the slingshot ride in the middle of the main stage are. Very intense i recommend it to everyone should you get the chance. As the day turned to night and the glamour of the stages returned to dark skeletal scaffolds in the night we made our move to head back to the brown hills caravan park. It took a bit of taxi wrangling but we arrived home fairly easily.

The rest is content for another post, so stay tuned for another overdue update.

Main stage area

Main stage area