Thursday, March 17, 2011

Radelaide and Barry Morgan

We've been in Adelaide for about 4 weeks now. Despite my state of impoverished disposition i am pushing forward and enjoying myself regardless. Mik, Heff and Nels have all found gainful employment. I've been doing a bit of freelance design to boost my dole check, yup I'm now officially on the New start allowance, somewhere i never imagined I'd be but hey, I've worked full time for a while i guess its time i soaked up some of that tax I've paid over the years. mwahhhahahaa.
So over the past couple of weeks I've been looking for work, bludging and designing. Pretty good combo mostly but can get boring and lonely. Anyways here is an image of the logo i whipped up for the cafe i'm designing for, so far i've designed the shopfront signage some business cards and i'm about to get started on a website for them.

awww widdle froggy :)
One highlight over the past few weeks was going to see Barry Morgan and his world of Organs, at the garden of unearthly delights which was part of the fringe festival going on here in Radelaide. I'll talk about the garden shortly but first I'll detail Barry morgans show. And even Before i do that, here is a picture of the subject of the topic in which i will soon discuss.

Oh Barry
The show is in a tent called the cupola, we briefly glance over the merch as we head inside. The stage is populated by two plasma screens, a vintage hammond organ and a vintage hammond organ rotating speaker system, atop the speaker system is a glass of some mysterious red spirit i haven't heard of before. We were awesomely seated in the front row, we waited anxiously for the show to start. Eventally Barry busted out of the red velvet curtain and into our lives. Looking around the room similing at people soaking up the applause. If he catches your eye he'll smile at your face for just long enough to make you awkward. Which is hilarious and weird at the same time. The whole show revolves around Barry Morgan from Barry Morgans world of Organs trying to sell his antique hammond organ. The whole show is a demonstration of the effects and tunes playable on the organ. Barry Is hilarious, the show was filled with innuendos about him playing, polishing and going down on his organ. He demonstrated his one finger method with some delegates from the audience and stayed hilariously in character the whole time. The plasma screens on the stage were linked to a series of cameras he had on his organ so that he could switch them and give you a demo of what his feet were doing, what his hands were doing and what his face was doing. The show was hilarious i had tears leaking from my ocular region on numerous occasions. The show ended when barry couldn't sell his organ. That was a very fun night after the show we wandered the garden for a while.

The Garden of Unearthly delights is part of the Adelaide Fringe festival and is an awesome carnival atmosphere, complete with a small selection of rides various tents that are used as venues and various drinking establishments, it's like a carnival for adults. There were burlesque shows, freak shows, dancing, musical acts, acrobats, comedians and heaps more. I took a couple of photos to try and capture the feel.

The Entrance to the GOUD

Ferris wheel

Various market stalls

All the trees are dcorated in some way

looking back towards the dogem cars and kamakazie
So yeah we spent a few nights at the GOUD it was great, ad a great spot for people watching.

During the last week of the Fringe festival there is also Womadelaide on, a world music festival. We rented out the spare room in our hous to a couple of loverly ladies from adelaide. It was great spending the week with them and i even managed to get Chrissie to trim my beard.
Robyn, Chrissie and illuminated flower
So it was nice having some fresh people to talk to. Thats about all i have to say really, i haven't been doing too much becasue im a little financially fragile. I'm sure i'm missing a couple of things but they'll just have to live on in my distant memories i guess.

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