Sunday, August 15, 2010

Offroading for beginers

Wooohoo on Friday we took the bumblebee off road. It was awesome fantastic fun! Though as you may well have picked up from reading the other post nothing ever goes according to plan, mind you this time the issue wasn't really all that devastating, it was more just a mild annoyance kind of like a rock in your shoe (but not as easy to fix). Anyways the issue i had was when we arrived at the reserve all excited about going 4wding, i got out to try and engage the hubs so that i could put it into 4wd, but one of the hubs wouldn't lock in AAAAArgh mild annoyance aaaraargh. After regaining my not very lost compose we decided just to go fangin' around in 2wd (which as it turns out can take you pretty much anywhere anyway). It was great fun there was so much mud around as it has been raining pretty consistently around these parts.

Not much else to report other than fanging around in the mud is awesome fun. Have a look at the pictures below showing the tremendous suspension on ol'bumbles!

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