Monday, September 6, 2010

Nice Rack pt1

Allllllrighty then. I've been a bit slack with the posting recently due to the fact that we've been busy finishing or jobs (now officially an urban pioneer) and modifying the Bumblebee. We enlisted the help of the very practical man in the form of Nelso's father. He constructed for us a magnificent custom storage rack for the rear of the bumble bee. I must apologise as i haven't got any photos of the rack installed but the next post will so just chill out, (there was no need to get upset about it.)
We sized the rack up to be able to take our fridge, esky and as many storage boxes as we could fit, we also kept in mind the fact that Nelso apparently needs somewhere to sleep so we utilized the existing seats to form a bed, (don't try to hard to visualise it because it will be in the next post). Anyways below are some construction photos of Bumblebee's Rack taking shape.

Remove seats to inspect optimal rack dimensions

Observe (preferably with a  hang over) as the dreams of men become reality

Observe further......... ooooooOOOOO.
Place on a series of brick like pedestals to make it feel special
I want it painted black
Stay tuned as there is more excitement to come, you may need to keep a spare pair available as the next update will show the finished product in place.
Also still to come:
  • Installation of roof rack and a rooftop tent for me :)
  • Installation of dual battery circuit
  • Installation of electrical wiring, including interior lighting, phone charging ports and auxiliary power socket for the fridge to draw power from.

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