Monday, September 27, 2010

A week in Townsville.

Well hello there, so nice of you to pop in. :) I have to say life is really quite good at the moment, the people we have met up here have been awesome, Townsville is alot bigger than i thought it was (but still easy to navigate, if your not looking for the tourist info centre) it's got all the shopping centres of a big city but still manages to feel like its not too big.

Last week we went to to Ayr on Wednesday i think, (day names seem to have lost their importance already). Its a sugar cane growing town south of townsville. We had to go there to visit the big snake (so that Mikgater could cross it off her ever shrinking list of BIG things around Australia.) It was a pretty cool little town, the number of Pubs almost outnumbers the population there were also a few backpackers there it would be a nice place to visit we thought. After lunch we found a road that led to the beach it was about 15mins drive, we arrived at the beach car park under the shade of a few very impressive trees i wish i knew what they were but they had large roots that seemed to just turn into the branches and the canopy at the top was fully encompassing and blocked out nearly all the sunlight. I didn't take long for the distraction of the beautiful trees to wear thin, the mosquitoes were RIDICULOUS, it was like a swarm, there was no escaping the amount of mozzies that were in the area, but we all battled on walking like a pack of epileptic monkeys trying to swat the mozzies, we walked for about 2mins like this until we realised that there was no real easy way to get down to the beach and from what we were experiencing and seeing the beach was mudflats and infested with mozzies, So after another tantrum by Heather we legged it back to the Bumblebee.

hmmm what else did we do...... on Saturday we went to Magnetic Island, to get there you pay $29 for a 30min ferry ride which was great because there was a bar on the ferry :) we got off the ferry in Nelly bay and caught the bus to Horseshoe bay which was a beautiful. it was a nicely enclosed bay on the far side of the island, We went for a stroll along the beach and once we were far enough away form the main tourist area we decided to go for a swim. (after i smashed someones sandcastle). The water was beautiful and refreshing, but we didn't swim for to long because we had no sunscreen on and there were possibly stingers in the water. After the swim we waited at a nice table and had some ice creams anticipating the buses return. On the bus i was singing along obnoxiously to Radar love which was funny because the bus driver was a maniac it was a very fast drive around a very windy and hilly rode on one of the last turns Heather and i were thrown into the side of the bus (we were on the backseat because we are super cool) and at that moment just after the turn the song was up to the point where the lyrics said "No more speed I'm almost there" to which the back half of the bus (IE the cool kids) cracked up laughing. We caught the ferry back and had a beer and waved goodbye to Magnetic island.
Us on the Ferry to or from Maggie

Horseshoe Bay

That evening we decided it was time to show townsville how we drink, we went to the Sea view which is a beautiful Pub near The Strand, it has a large beer garden and had a live band playing. We had quite a few drinks and as always attracted a group of randoms that ended up sitting with us for the night, actually by the end of the night we had split into two groups at two different tables haha. Anyways met some cool people, one being Darren a Canadian who said at one point in the night
"i love fishing in Australia because it's like fishing on the national geographic channel, *mimes catching a fish* what the hell is that can it kill me?" much laughter followed.
After the night of drinking Mik and i walked from the pub to the backpackers via another pub, once we got to the backpackers we flipped a coin to decide whether or not to have a swim the universe decided we should so we went for a roof top swim at 4 in the morning had a shower and went to bed.
Some people we collected at the SeaView  

Stay tuned for more Adventures, coming up is Cairns and Paronella Park and some other places that i cannot think of. Bam.

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