Saturday, October 30, 2010

From Townsville to the Gold coast (more photos to come)

We said our good byes to the awesome Norwegian friends we made in townsville and headed back onto the road. It was a good feeling to start travveling again the excitement and reality of our adventure was reawakened. Heather, Nelson and myself would be driving from Townsville to the Gold Coast where we were going to collect MikGater and continue our voyage into the unknown.
This recollection may be a little sloppy because I'm writing it after the fact. But I'll do my best to recollect accurately, and you don't know the specifics so you'll just have to take my word for it i guess. :) Anyways we left Townsville and drove to Mackay, Heather took the opportunity to have her eyebrows ripped off, as girls do apparently. Nels and i went for a stroll down the street and decided we didn't like Mackay, by the time we finished our summary on how average we thought the town was Heather had finished having her face modified and we were good to go. As i recall we also had subway mmmm mm. Anyways we drove from Mackay to a place called Ball Bay, we found it listed in the Camps 5 book that Mattie and Jeannie had kindly donated prior to our departure from wagga. Anyways we arrived at Ball Bay after getting slightly lost. And it was amazingly awesome. The bay had a view of Brampton Island, that for some reason i was calling Bradbroke, possibly because I'm stupid but i could have sworn that Dougie Doug the campsite booking master called it that. anyways we set up camp between two palm trees and stayed there for 2 nights, we did some fishing, nelson caught a couple and through them back, thinking we would do better, i hooked something big but it broke the line.... ahhh the one that got away. After our second lovely night at Ball bay it was time to depart. Our next destination was further south.


Ball bay

It was night time by the time we arrived in Yeppoon and Heather had found a campsite listed in her copy of camps 5 so we sought it out. Turns out it was a shitty site in the middle of a mozzie infested forest and Heather was scared because there were crocodile warning signs on the entry. We set up a brief camp and cooked some steak sanga;s and went to bed.

We awoke early the next morning eager to leave this site behind us so we ventured forth to the illustrious precinct of 1770 and Agnes Waters. We tried our luck with another camps 5 site, this one i can remember the name of because it was a cool place. "Workman's Beach" we set up camp and marvelled at the seemingly feral children that were inhabiting the area. One of the children had fashioned a fancy wind toy out of a stick and a plastic bag and was running around quite proud of itself. We received some complements on our handsome vehicle from a fellow troopy owner, watched some shows on the laptop and went to bed.
I woke up that morning to the sound of talons on the roof of the troopy, a bush turkey had clambered onto the roof and was scratching around, i then witnessed it jump from the roof onto our rubbish bag we had tied up in a tree it proceeded to destroy the bag and everything in it, thanks turkey. Anyways we packed up camp and hit the road again, this time we wanted to stay in a caravan park because we all stunk from not showering and we had heaps of washing bulit up.
Gympie was the choice of destination and the caravan park was our x on the map. We set up camp and enjoyed overdue showers; showers i have learnt are a very underrated luxury and should not be taken for granted, standing in the shower and watching days of dirt go down the drain and hobbit feet become clean again was a massively rewarding experience. The following day we woke up and did some more washing and then set off in search of the Alpaca farm, Heff loves Alpacas because her head is fluffy like one, so we found the farm and fed some camel sheep. I discovered i can speak alpaca, and the owner of the farm was more than keen to discuss the mating procedures that the Alpacas indulge in. After the Alpacas we went back to the van park and had some tea and chatted to our new neighbours. They were headed for Brisbane and told us that there was to be a zombie walk there. So that's where our next stop would be.
Next morning we packed up camp with amazing efficiency and drove to Briz vegas. We chortled around the city for a while untill we found the zombie walk, they blocked the intersection for at least 20mins and all the taxi drivers around us were irate which i found amusing. Our evening destination was the Treasure Island Caravan Park. Nelso and i realised we had stayed there before whilst on a High school trip to great Keppel Island HAHAHAHAH, not funny. We set up camp bitched about our British Neighbours and waited untill we coud collect Mikki G from the Airport. Heff arrived back at camp with Mik in the Van and there was much rejoice, the wolfpack was reunited and rainbows spilled out of the clouds carrying butterflies and gold. After collecting as many butterflies as we could and catching up with Mik we went to bed and mentally prepared ourselves for the following days Theme park bonanza.  That night i was a little concerned as a massive thunderstorm was rolling in and i was sleeping in my roof top tent on top of the bumble bee watching the storm approach. I updated my status on facebook just incase it was my last, closed the windows in the tent and thought happy thoughts untill i fell asleep.
Woohooo Movieworld day, we caught the bus to Movie world and made a beeline for the superman ride. Its the newest roller coaster at Movieworld and is really fun. Unlike most roller coasters that winch you up an incline before starting this one launches you fast... Superman fast as the voice over will tell you. 0 to 100+ kms in a couple of seconds its awesome but its so fact that the ride is almost over by the time your brain catches up wit your head, hence why we rode it multiple times in the day. The other multi time rides were the lethal weapon and the scooby doo roller coaster. All the rides were mega awesome we had  a ball.
Stay tuned for the next chapter that will include my birthday and Broken hill. Peace.

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