Monday, November 8, 2010

Gold Coast to half way between Nyngan and Cobar (bum f^ck nowhere)

Hello anybody. Where were we last time... hmm just leaving the Gold coast if i remember correctly. After sleeping off the amazing time we had at Movie world it was time to embark on the next cross country run. Our Eventual destination was Port Lincoln but we had to take a few days to do so obviously. We also had a planned stopover in Broken Hill. So thats the basic rundown, now for all the details this brain retains.

It was my birthday on this day, the girls left us early whilst we were still packing up our site (which i thought was a bit rude but anyway) they were going to get some "supplies" for lunch. Nels and i packed up the rest of the camp site and then headed off, Perfect timing as the girls had just finished their rrands and we were ready to go. Its always a good feeling to get nack on the road again and it's amazing how much ground you can cover when you put your mind and foot to it. We were aiming for tamworth or Armidale two places we thought would definently have a steak available, becasuse thats what i wanted for my birthday dinner. mmmm Anyways after driving for a bit we pulled over at a service centre and i got out of the car. Mik came running over to me with a straw hat with a feather boa in the top of it, apparently it had been decided that this was to be the birthday hat and everytime i was out of the vehicle i had to wear it. Woohoo just what i wanted, hahah it was all in good fun, though i did feel like a goose everytime someone looked at me strange, i could see what they were thinking "Nice hat dickhead" or something along those lines. This happened a few times, we would pull over for a quick break and i would get out of the car forgetting to put the hat on, untill i saw Mik's dissapointed face then i would put the crown back on, It was embarrasing but fun.
Eventually we got to Armidale, found a caravan park to stay in (even thought it seemed like a problem for the owner to take our money, what a wanker) and then we went to the RSL club for a steak dinner. Upon arrival we were informed that the stove had been turned off (even though the sign said they would be cooking for another 45mins.) so we had to order a roast from the carvery. Good thing it only cost $10 because it was pretty average. After we finished dinner, Mik went "to the toilet" or something and i was talking on my phone. Then the lights in the dining room were turned off, i thought "you rude bastards" then i noticed Mik had found me a piece of Black Forest Cake and had organised to have the lights turned off for effect. That was awesome, I felt very spoilt. The lights came back on after the guys had finished signing happy birthday to me. The Black Forest Cake was delicious and Mik and Heff revealed to me that they had been looking for a cake all day, thats why they had snuck off early that morning and gone awol in the small towns we passed through, i suspected nothing and realised how lucky i was to have such awesome friends. Love you guys.
After a few drinks and conversing with the locals (by locals i mean a bloke by the name of Bevo) we went back to the caravan park and slept the night away.
The following day We were all up nice and early ready for another days travel. Today out target spot was a rest area camp site half way between Nyngan and Cobar. I travelled with Mik that day in Smadaity as Nelson was punishing Heather with some Metal in the Troopy. As the day progressed i was getting ill, some sort of man cold (the worst kind) Mik put up with my whinging between games of who can guess the song first. We made it all the way to the rest area and set up. Its amazing how much scenery can change in a day of driving, The lush greenery had been left behind and had made way for thebarron landscape of central Australia. It's still pretty but in a different way. By the time the Camp was established there were mozzies everywhere i had some tea and promptly went to bed.

A lookout with particularly smelly drop toilets. Nice view though

Scenery change

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