Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Eyre Peninsula

Oh Hello and welcome to another brain leak detailing my travels with the Wolfpack. This could be a long one so make yourself a cuppa or stiff drink I'll wait here.........
Cool well the best place to begin is where i last finished so lets do that shall we. In the last episode we had just arrived in Port Lincoln and helped Amber celebrate her birthday. The next day was a Sunday so we enjoyed a nice sleep in and prepared ourselves for a day of strenuous rest. We were all still quite buggered from the large drive the day before and our brains were not firing on all cylinders but that's cool, because all of pt Lincoln seems to be like that the place is a damn time warp, impossible to wake up in the mornings and then when you do the time flys by without much happening at all. (I think the Eyre Peninsula is like the Bermuda triangle some places the time isn't constant, the sky is massive and other places your sense of direction is completely bushwhacked.) Amber was telling us about the Sunday sessions down at the Boston Hotel, good tunes supplied by Steve, Nick and other local with musical bones. This sounded like a great idea. Amber also forewarned us about a character named Ricardo, apparently he is quite the interesting character and usually indulges himself in a hefty dance and tambourine play along. Nick (one of Amber and Steve's friends) added that he had already hidden the Tambourine so that Ricardo couldn't have it. Quite the funny story and i was interested to go to the Sunday session for a number of reasons now.
Enough time had passed that we were invited to join our new Gracious hosts Amber and Steve for a Sunday session at the pub, need i say more? an invitation to a pub we're there. We arrived and watched a few different people play, whatever they felt like on the stage in the back corner of the pub, It was beautiful, a great vibe, great tunes and the view from the back area of the pub is spectacular, It looks right over the water in the bay. After a few drinks we went to the smoking area and continued to listen to the tunes and drink a bit more. Approaching us from 1965 was a man who walked with a swagger not unsimilar to Johnny Depp as Hunter S Thompson (or any other of his characters really) and looked alot like your stereotypical fisherman. No prizes for anyone who can guess who this cat was....... Yup Ricardo the man who's reputation lived up perfectly to his physical embodiment. He swaggered his way over to our table and plonked himself down and introduced himself,
"G'day I'm Ricardo" he said with his hand extended, I'm not sure if i thought or replied with
"of course you are". He continued to tell us a story about how the whales had come into the bay to see that the signs on the silo's had been changed to sport the Viterra logo "oh they've changed the signs" is apparently what the whales thought. His ramblings wandered more than his swagger in the beer garden. The notable story was that he was looking for his Tambourine that he had misplaced somewhere. he said something like.
"I had a Tambourine man, It was just out here, but now it's gone, how do you make a tambourine disappear man, that's crazy." Yeah that's whats crazy Ricardo...
We snuck back inside to catch some more tunes, Nick and Steve are amazing musicians and are excellent to watch. Ricardo was enjoying the tunes too, you could tell by the weird click, clap touch the ground dance he was doing, I don't think the 60's have ended for this man. After a fun afternoon we went back to Amber's for tea, can't remember what it was but it was delicious Amber is an awesome chef these days.
Monday was spent hunting for work, dropping resumes off where ever we could. Mik applied at all the pubs around town and needed work A.S.A.P. Unfortunately nothing happens fast in Port Lincoln and there were no real bites for jobs that day or as it turned out that week. After that day of hunting about we were invited for tea at another of Amber and Steve's friends house.
Amber had told us of Toohey's (not sure if that's the right spelling but that's what i gather his nickname is :) )cooking and he did not disappoint. That night we also met Toohey's housemate Heidi and some other lovely people who's names escape me :s sorry guys. Toohey had prepared an unbelievable feast for us. All made from a large fresh tuna he had procured. The first course was sushi mi, Raw tuna with some dipping sauces, one of which was wasabi. To my surprise i quite enjoyed sushi mi and had tried all the sauce except for the Wasabi that had everyone scared. One of the other girls that was there tried it first and seemed to enjoy it so i thought "oh well, she's not dead i guess I'll have a go" so i picked up a piece of tuna and dunked it in the wasabi sauce put it in my mouth and braced for the incoming pain........... oh that wasn't so bad really bit of a kick that only lasts a second and then the spicy feeling is gone. I quite enjoyed it and went back for more.
The next course was cooked as a roll seasoned on the outside and sealed on a hotplate, the fish was beautifully presented sliced up on a plate with 3 more dipping sauce. The verdict around the table was that the taste actually resembled roast lamb, and it did strangely enough it was delicious. After devouring that plate and some Sav. Blaunc Toohey had commenced the course that was to be the grand finale. Tuna Steaks on the BBQ. They took very little time to cook and were amazing, fresh tuna does not taste fishy at all the meat is read and more resembles beef or lamb but breaks apart as you push your fork through and dissolves in your mouth. Unbelievable and so damn delicious. Now we all sat around for a while chatting joking and nursing our swollen stomachs. After a great night we headed back and hit the hey.
The rest of the week was filled out by looking for work and catching up with Amber. Mik was at this point getting quite stressed, she really needed work and wasn't getting any love from Port Lincoln unfortunately. After a week of trying she headed up to Whyalla to drop some resumes off, we all wished her luck and hung back in Port Lincoln as Nelson and Heff had a flight booked from there leaving on the following Wednesday.
Meanwhile Amber and Steve had started a communal painting in the kitchen i added a bit to the bottom right corner and this is where it was up too last time i saw it.

a journey through time if you left for the 80's and the future is now...
I painted the weird pelican looking thing, not sure what it is but it's name is admiral Percival. It was now Sunday again and Heff, Nelson and i decided we should go and surprise Mik in Whyalla  for the day as she had been alone for a couple of days now and had just stared work at a pub. So we left in the morning found her at about lunch time and totally surprised her it was awesome. We had a look around whyalla at the beach and such had some tea with mik and headed back to Port Lincoln. This is what we come up with from that trip.
Old Refinery in the middle of town looks interesting in black and white

Gnarly kite surfers on the beach
After getting pack to Port Lincoln, we hung out for a couple of days until i dropped Heff, and Nelso off at the Airport and said goodbye. I spent that night in Port Lincoln and then headed up in the morning to go and stay with Mik and look for Work in Whyalla. and i'm still looking :s

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